About me

Hi there, welcome to my webpage!

My name is Ömer and I am a research assistant at the Institute of Computer Science at Goethe University Frankfurt specializing in Machine Learning (ML) and Multi-agent Systems (MAS), with a particular focus on Agent-oriented Programming. My work revolves around integrating these paradigms by incorporating ML methods such as (Deep) Reinforcement Learning and Neural Networks into cognitive Software Agents, specifically the BDI Agent architecture. This research lies at the intersection of Neuro-symbolic AI, where I explore novel ways of combining symbolic reasoning (BDI) with neural networks.

In addition to my expertise in AI and Agent programming, I’m deeply engaged in the field of (Autonomous) Mobility on Demand (AMoD). I investigate how these concepts can improve transportation systems by leveraging the power of intelligent agents. By developing innovative algorithms and frameworks, I aim to enhance the efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of AMoD solutions.