Publications (Google Scholar)

Multi-agent learning for energy-aware placement of autonomous vehicles
Ömer Ibrahim Erduran, Mirjam Minor, Lars Hedrich, Ahmad Tarraf, Frederik Ruehl, Hans Schroth
18th IEEE International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications. ICMLA 2019.

Negotiation in Ride-hailing between Cooperating BDI Agents
Ömer Ibrahim Erduran, Marcel Mauri, Mirjam Minor
14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. ICAART 2022.

Cognitive Learning Agents for Autonomous Mobility on Demand systems
Ömer Ibrahim Erduran
KI 2022 Doctoral Consortium Proceedings. KI 2022.

Machine Learning algorithms for cognitive and autonomous BDI Agents
Ömer Ibrahim Erduran
LWDA 2022 Workshop: FGWM 2022. LWDA 2022.

Machine Learning for Cognitive BDI Agents - A Compact Survey
Ömer Ibrahim Erduran
15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. ICAART 2023.

Integrating BDI Agents with the MATSim Traffic Simulation for Autonomous Mobility on Demand
Marcel Mauri, Ömer Ibrahim Erduran, Thu Pham Dieu Anh, Mirjam Minor
LWDA 2023 Workshop: FGWM 2023. LWDA 2023.

Jadex BDI Agents Integrated with MATSim for Autonomous Mobility on Demand
Marcel Mauri, Ömer Ibrahim Erduran, Mirjam Minor
23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) 2024 Workshop: EMAS 2024. EMAS 2024.